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Summary on dam safety operation management of Dashankou Hydropower Station

Fu Chun and Li Yong   

  • Online:2001-08-28 Published:2001-08-28



  1. 大山口水电厂,新疆库尔勒 841000

Abstract: This paper comprehensively analyzed the dam safety operation management of the Dashankou Hydropower Plant in Xinjian autonomous region and summarized successful experience and problems as well. This paper laid emphasis on the cause of gravity buttress cracks as well as treatment for seepage in the dam foundation, which were the two main special topics during the first dam periodic safety inspection. The first periodic inspection promoted the dam safety operation management of Dashankou Hydropower Plant.

摘要: 本文对新疆大山口水电站大坝安全运行管理情况做了比较全面的综述,总结了成功的经验和存在的问题,重点阐述了大坝首次定检专题中重力墩裂缝加固及大坝基础渗漏处理等工作,并提出了今后的工作任务。首次定检工作的开展对大山口水电厂大坝安全运行管理起到了积极推动作用。