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Fulfilling the functions of flood-control with earnest to enhance dam safety management

Miao Jing-yu   

  • Online:2001-08-28 Published:2001-08-28

认真落实防汛工作职能 努力加强大坝安全管理


  1. 新疆巴州电力有限责任公司,新疆库尔勒 841000

Abstract: This paper summarized the experience of dam safety management on flood-control in 2000 of BA District Power Company in Xinjiang autonomous region, and laid emphasis on a series of flood-control and reinforcment measures which were taken during flood period as well as the pitfalls. By summarizing the experience, the work of flood-control will be done better in future.

摘要: 本文概述了新疆巴州电力公司2000年防汛和大坝安全管理工作的经验,并着重介绍了大山口水电站存在的隐患及在汛期采取的一系列防讯和加固措施,通过总结防汛经验。进一步做好2001年度的防汛工作。