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Application of PBM polymer concrete to repair the inlet floor of Qingtongxia Dam

Fang Jian-guo, Guo Shi-feng and Shan Yu-zhu, et at   

  • Published:2001-06-28



  1. 青岛太平洋海洋工程有限公司,青岛 266071

Abstract: Qingtongxia Hydropower Station has operated over 30 years. The inlet floors at sluiceway under water 32m are damaged by high-speed water flow with sand which influenced the safety operation of the power station. It is impossible to create the dry-site construction condition to repair the damaged areas owing to its special structure of power station. So a repairing scheme under water was developed and implemented using PBM polymer concrete to fill up the puddles and repair the floor. The desired result was achieved. It ensures safety operation of the station.

摘要: 青铜峡水电站为带有排沙水管的河床闸墩式电站,经过30多年的运行,位于水下32m的泄水管进水口底板等部位被高含沙水流冲刷破坏,严重威胁电站的安全运行,由于电站结构特殊.不具备干地作业条件,针对上述情况,制定了底板加固方案,采取了水下浇筑PBM钢筋混凝土处理措施,达到了预期的效果,确保了电站的安全运行。