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A range of technical service offered to the periodic safety inspection of Dashankou Dam

Chen Chong-xi   

  • Published:2001-04-28



  1. 杭州国电大坝安全工程有限公司,杭州 310014

Abstract: Dashankou Hydropower Station is currently the largest hydropower station in Xinjiang. During the first dam safety periodic inspection, we have complemented works on two aspects of dam structure and dam safety monitoring respectively, including special topic analysis on the forming reason of crack and hazard caused by cracks in gravity abutment, design, construction and supervision for treating it, treatment design to seepage of dam foundation, evaluation for dam safety monitoring system and observation data analysis, plans for refurbishing the monitoring system, installation and regulation for stage I plumb line system. A full range of high quality service that we offered have obtained good effects and have also got the owner’s praise.?

摘要: 大山口水电站是目前新疆最大的水电站,在首次大坝安全定检工作中,杭州国电大坝安全工程有限公司针对大山口大坝工程结构和大坝安全监测两方面分别进行了重力墩裂缝成因及危害性专题分析,重力墩裂缝处理设计、施工和监理,大坝基础渗漏处理设计,大坝安全监测系统的评价和观测资料分析,大坝安全监测系统的更新改造规划、一期垂线系统的安装和调试等工作,为电厂提供了大坝安全工作一整套系列的优质服务,取得了理想的效果,得到了业主的好评。