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Analysis and evaluation on several aspects of operational behaviors of concrete dams

Xing Lin-sheng and Xu Jian-qing   

  • Published:2001-04-28



  1. 国家电力公司大坝安全监察中心,杭州 310014

Abstract: There are several important aspects, such as the formation cause of foundation sludge, effect of seepage calcareous segregation of dam body, the change trend of leakage quantity of dam foundation and the jeopardy of the cracks, related with the strength, stability and duration of the concrete dams. Combined with the project cases, this paper discusses their analytical methods, evaluation basis and jeopardizing degree, and gained some quantitative and qualitative concusions.?

摘要: 混凝土坝坝基析出物的成因,坝体渗水析钙的影响,坝基渗漏量的变化趋势和裂缝的危害性,是关系到混凝土坝强度、稳定和耐久性的几个重要问题。本文结合工程实例,分别就其分析方法、评判依据和危害程度,进行探讨研究,得出了一些定量或定性的结论。