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Redstratum And Dam

Xu Rui-Chun   

  • Online:1991-12-28 Published:1991-12-28



  1. 水利部长江水利委员会

Abstract: Stratum are widely exposed in some area at home and abroad, It were found frequently as dam rockmass in the hydropower construction. Due to low strength, weak interlayers and Dissoluable rock, Redstratums have a special characteristic of hydrogeology and engineering geology. From these successful and failing Engineering cases on redstratum foundation at home and abroad, especilly the great success of Gezhouba project, this paper summaries the main hydrogeology and engineering geology problems on the redstratum foundation and provides the abundant comprehensive and systematic experiences and methods. On the investigation scientific research and the foundation treatment. At last, on the basis of the abundant experiences at home and abroad, and present emphatic and attentional problems in investigation, costruction and operation stagt.?

摘要: 红层在国内外某些地区均有较广泛的出露。红层是水利水电建设中较常遇到的一种坝基岩体。由于红层总体强度低,又多夹层和其它不良盐类的存在,因而具有特殊的水文地质与工程地质特性。通过对国内外在红层上建坝的大量成功与失败的工程实例,特别是通过葛洲坝工程所取得的重大成功,总结了红层上建坝的主要水文地质与工程地质问题,为在红层上建坝提供了丰富的完整的系统的勘测、科研与基础处理设计的经验和方法。最后根据国内外及葛洲坝工程提供的丰富经验,提出了勘测期、旅工期以及运行期应侧重解决和注意的问题。