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吕永宁1, 李涛1, 林潘斌2, 黄剑文2
LV Yong- ning, LI Tao, LIN Pan- bin and et al.
摘要: 近年来, 发现了19 号坝段排水廊道的裂缝, 第二次大坝定期检查把裂缝成因及其影响列为专题研究项目之一。有限元结果表明, 正常情况下裂缝不可能出现。通过复查施工记录知裂缝出现在施工期, 根据地质资料和施工期温度监测资料, 分析探讨了裂缝成因及其对大坝安全的影响。
Abstract: Cracks on drainage gallery at dam block 19 were found recent years. The cause of cracks and its effects to dam safety was listed as a special itemin the second periodic daminspection. According to the results of FEM, cracks would not appear under normal conditions. It was found that the cracks appeared during construction by re- referring to construction records. The cause of cracks and its effects to damsafety were analyzed according to geological data and temperature monitoring data in construction.
吕永宁, 李涛, 林潘斌, 黄剑文. 沙溪口大坝1 9 号坝段廊道裂缝成因分析及影响[J]. .
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