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Practice on dam safety operation management of Tuohai Hydropower Station

Xu Jian-zhong and Huang Gang   

  • Online:2001-08-28 Published:2001-08-28



  1. 托海水电厂,新疆伊宁 835000

Abstract: Tuohai Dam has operated13years since it impounded initially on the fourth Nov.of 1988. It made a remarkable contribution to the development of the Yili district in Xinjiang autonomous region. The dam passed the first dam safety periodic inspection and is assessed as normal dam in December of 2001. This paper introduced the experience obtained in 13 years operation on aspect of safety management in the safety operation.?

摘要: 托海水电站自1988年11月4日下闸蓄水发电以来,已安全运行了13a。为伊犁州的发展做出了巨大的贡献,托海水电站大坝于2000年12月顺利通过首次大坝安全定期检查,被评定为正常坝。本文介绍了托海水电站在大坝安全运行和安全管理方面取得的一些经验。