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Rock mass deformation monitoring of TGP’s ship lock middle-isolated pier

YU San-da and DU Jun-hui   

  • Published:2004-08-28



  1. 1.中国长江三峡工程开发总公司,湖北宜昌 443133;2.长江勘测设计研究院,湖北武汉430010

Abstract: The paper has analyzed the rock deformation monitoring result of the double-line five-grade ship lock middle-isolated pier in Three Gorges Project. Through the analysis, we consider that the rock mass moves to the free face of the nearby ship lock chambers, because the middle-isolated pier has three free faces and its geological conditions are different in each part, and the rock deformation is complicated; two side surfaces monitoring points present same direction placement at the second, the third and the fourth head of the ship lock, it just shows that the surface rock displacement which is effeeted by geological conditions of head of the ship lock and excavation sequence of the two sides ship lock chambers. The rock mass deformation of middle-isolated pier convergence is very fast, and the current deformation is steady.

摘要: 本文对三峡双线五级船闸中隔墩岩体变形监测资料进行了分析。通过分析认为,中隔墩由于三面临空且各部位地质条件差异较大等原因,在闸室开挖过程中变形较为复杂,总体上岩体呈现向临近闸室临空面位移;在二、三、四闸首部位两侧表层测点呈现同向位移,仅反映表层岩体位移情况,主要受闸首地质条件及两侧闸室开挖次序有关;中隔墩岩体变形在开挖结束后收敛很快,目前变形稳定。