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Title:Leakage treatment on joint and bottom seals of spillway gate of Jingnan hydropower station

CHEN Fang-hua   

  • Published:2004-12-28



  1. 梧州桂江电力有限公司,广西梧州 543000

Abstract: Water leakage through joint seal and bottom seal of spillway gate has always been a problem for many hydropower stations. The schemes for leakage have been studied successively and performed, which achieved agood effect that ensured the dam and the gate in safe operation. The schemes are of great practice.

摘要: 溢流坝工作闸门节间及底水封漏水是许多水电厂普遍存在的难题。京南水利枢纽发电厂技术人员经过多年的分析和研究,制订了漏水处理的方案,并予以实施。实施后,取得了良好的效果,保证了大坝和闸门的安全运行,具有很强的实用价值。