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Research on compressive elastic modulus ofconcrete

LIU Shu-hua, FANG Kun-ke and WANG Xiao-yan   

  • Published:2004-12-28



  1. 1.武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉 430072;2.广东省顺德水利电力勘测设计院,广东顺德 528300

Abstract: Elastic modulus of concrete is akind of imponant performance of concrete, which can reflect the relationship between stress and deformation, and is one of parameters in structure calculating. In order to improve crack resistance of concrete. we often increase tensile strength and ultimate elongation, and decrease elastic modulus and shrinkage of concrete. Decreasing elastic modulus will be beneftt to crack resistance of concrete. In this paper, we present the influencing factors of elastic modulus, and analysis the influence of aggregate and its content on elastic modulus by U.J.Counto model, and show the measures of decreasing elastic modulus of concrete, which will be helpful to averting of concrete crack.

摘要: 弹性模量是混凝土重要的力学性能,它反映了混凝土所受应力与所产生应变之间的关系,是计算混凝土结构变形、裂缝开展和温度应力所必需的参数之一。为了提高混凝土的抗裂能力,通常是提高混凝土的抗拉强度和极限拉伸值,降低混凝土的弹性模量及收缩变形等。降低混凝土的弹性模量将有助于提高混凝土的抗裂性能。本文提出影响混凝土弹性模量的因素,通过U.C.康脱模型分析骨料和水泥石组分性能与含量对混凝土弹性模量的影响,提出降低混凝土弹性模量的措施。这对防止混凝土的开裂是有利的。