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Treatment for the termite harm in Dahonghe earth-fill dam

PAN Yuan-ming   

  • Online:2005-04-28 Published:2005-04-28



  1. 狮子滩水力发电总厂,重庆长寿 401259

Abstract: There have been alot of harm to the Dahonghe earth-fill dam from termite. In order to prevent termite from entering dam body from bush aside banks, cutting the foodstuff resources and setting up earth ditch involved in poison have been carried out at the abutment of two sides of bank. The results have shown that the method is satisfactory.

摘要: 大洪河土坝通过断绝白蚁食料来源并在两岸与坝肩接合部位设置毒土隔沟,防止白蚁从两岸丛林侵入坝体。实践表明,方法得当,保证了大坝安全。