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Treatment for dam slab defects in Tianshengqiao-1 dam

YU Zong-xiang   

  • Published:2005-06-28



  1. 天生桥一级水电开发有限责任公司水力发电厂,贵州兴义 562400

Abstract: Tianshengqiao-1 dam has the reinforced concrete structure in dam facing, which is carried out since March, 1997 and completion after 26 months construction. The reservoir stored water in Aug. 1998,the surface cracks, unjoint between facing and support layer, joints of facing L3 and L4 destructed two times appeared since its construction and to now. In this article the treatment steps are introduced.

摘要: 天生桥一级水电站大坝面板为钢筋混凝土结构,工程自1997年3月起历时26个月完成施工,水库于1998年8月下闸蓄水。大坝面板从施工期至今先后出现表面裂缝、面板与垫层料间脱空及面板L3、L4接缝两度挤压破损等主要现象,本文介绍缺陷的处理措施。