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Study on deformation of the left non-overflow dam No.8 in TGP

FENG Bo, ZHANG Zhi-cheng and HUANG He-ping   

  • Published:2005-06-28



  1. 1.河海大学水利水电学院,江苏南京 210098;2.中国水利水电八局,湖南长沙 410008

Abstract: Based on the deformation data of the eighth non-flowing dam in the Three Gorges Project during the construction period, the laws of deformation in the three dimensions space are revealed in this paper. Moreover, on the qualitative and quantitative analysis, it is concluded that the foundation’s limitation and construction factors have an effect on the deformation. This paper studies the effect and analyzes some especial deformation.

摘要: 通过对三峡工程左岸非溢流坝8号坝段施工期变形实测资料的分析,探讨了该坝段在三维空间的变形规律。通过定性分析和定量分析相结合,讨论了基础缺陷及施工因素对变形的影响,并分析了与施工期重力坝一般变形规律相比有些特殊的变形及产生的原因。