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Discussion on significance of perambulation inspection

XING Lin-sheng   

  • Online:2005-10-28 Published:2005-10-28



  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: Severe perils have ever been found many times by means of perambulation inspection, which provided reliable basis and saved the extremely valued occasions for eliminating the perils or taking retrieval. Perambulation inspection has features of overall, in time and visual, and can’t be replaced by monitoring instruments or automation system. It should carry out the principle that monitoring by instruments should be combined with the perambulation inspection, regulating the work of perambulation inspection seriously, attempting to improve the staff’s abilities, making a timely and exact judgment on the problems found in the perambulation inspection.

摘要: 通过大坝巡视检查,曾多次发现大坝的重大安全问题,为消除隐患或采取挽救措施,提供了可靠依据和创造了极为宝贵的时机。大坝巡视检查具有全面性、及时性和直观性等特点,是大坝仪器监测及其自动化所不能代替的。应坚持科学发展观的先进理念,进一步提高认识,贯彻大坝仪器监测和巡视检查相结合的原则,严格规范大坝巡检工作,努力提高巡检人员的素质,对巡检中发现的问题及时做出准确判断,保证大坝的安全运行。