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Discussion on the establishing for gate control automation system in Xi’ni’er reservoir

WEI Guang-hui   

  • Online:2005-12-28 Published:2005-12-28



  1. 1.巴州希尼尔水库管理处,新疆库尔勒 841000;2.巴州水利水电勘测设计院,新疆库尔勒841000

Abstract: The Xi’ni’er Reservoir Administration is establishing the gate control automation system. They adopt advanced technology in this field now to design automatic control work in gate lifting, water measuring and data acquisition for water level. On the scheme of automation system design, they concentrated on the economic, advanced and scientific and reliable performance. The results proved to be perfect.

摘要: 叙述了希尼尔水库管理处在闸控自动化系统建设中,采用当前较为先进的科学技术,对闸门启闭、水量计量、水位采集等水闸管理工作,进行自动化控制设计。在系统设计方案上,以经济、先进、科学和可靠为中心,并取得了较为满意的结果#