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Study on the scheme of dam protection during flood in Xixi reservoir

WU Chun-ming   

  • Online:2005-12-28 Published:2005-12-28

西溪水库2005 年大坝度汛方案研究


  1. 华东勘测设计研究院,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: The dam of Xixi reservoir project is RCC gravity dam, because the production system of artificial aggregates is not in good operation in the early construction time, the dam protection scheme during flood in 2005 did not reached the planned requirements, so the concerned parts studied and discussed several alternatives of the dam production during flood.This paper made a detail introduction on the dam protection scheme during flood.

摘要: 西溪水库工程大坝为碾压混凝土重力坝,由于前期人工骨料系统一直未能正常运行,导致2005 年度汛面貌远未能达到计划要求。由此,参建各方针对年度度汛做了多方案探讨,本文即对度汛方案做了详细介绍。