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Analysis on undertaking risk reasonably for flood dispatching in reservoir

TIAN Xi-long and ZHANG Zi-weng   

  • Online:2006-02-28 Published:2006-02-28


田喜龙, 张子文   

  1. 四平市水利局,吉林四平 136000;2. 公主岭市河道堤防管理站,吉林公主岭 136100

Abstract: In this article the author has put forward a standpoint of undertaking risk reasonably to dispatch flood, in which the operation should fully make use of rainfall and flood resources to transform the water disaster to profit as maximum as possible.

摘要: 适度承担风险进行水库洪水调度,充分利用雨洪资源,尽最大可能变水害为水利,实现雨洪资源化!达到人、水和自然和谐共处!经济社会协调发展。