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Application of high- density resistivity technique to caves of dam

DONG Yan- peng and WAN Hai   

  • Online:2006-04-28 Published:2006-04-28


董延朋, 万海   

  1. 山东省水利科学研究院, 山东济南 250013

Abstract: Geophysics is advanced technology with high- speed and undamaged compared with other methods in detecting delects in embankment. The foundation of analyzing the cause and finding out the position of dam leakage, and taking corresponding renovate methods can be offered by geophysics prospecting. Application of high- density resistivity teehnology to caves is introduced by taking the soil damin Shandong province as an example.

摘要: 以山东省内堤坝为例, 介绍高密度电阻率法在土质坝体洞穴探测中的实际应用。