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Discussion on damstrong earthquake monitoring and earthquake damage warning

GUO Yong- gang, SU Ke- zhong and CHANG Ting- gai   

  • Online:2006-04-28 Published:2006-04-28


郭永刚, 苏克忠, 常廷改   

  1. 中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100038

Abstract: The characteristics of the dam strong earthquake are described, as well as the difference between the dam strong earthquake monitoring and general earthquake monitoring and the developing trend of the strong earthquake monitoring. It proposed to give the warn of earthquake damage by the strong earthquake monitoring technology. The index and threshold of the dam earthquake damage are given. The various measures are proposed for the various classification of earthquake damage warning.

摘要: 介绍了作为次生灾害源的大坝结构强震监测的特点, 针对大坝强震监测实际工作中存在的问题, 从概念上阐述了大坝强震监测与一般地震监测的差别, 以及大坝强震监测的发展方向。提出利用大坝强震监测技术进行震害预警的思路和方式; 给出了大坝进行震害预警的指数和阈值, 以及对不同预警等级应采取的不同对策。