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Water intake fast gate hydrodynamic closing appraisement test of Xin’anjiang dam

JIANG Jian- guo, LI Jian- hua and et al.   

  • Online:2006-08-28 Published:2006-08-28


蒋建国1, 李建华2, 顾鸣2 , 章好民1   

  1. 1.水利部水利机械质量检验测试中心, 杭州 310012; 2.新安江水力发电厂, 浙江建德 311608

Abstract: This paper narrated the water intake fast gate hydrodynamic closing appraisement test of Xin'anjiang dam by scientific method and archetype observation, and introduced the test procedure. It has great meaning to the related tests and appraisal.

摘要: 本文叙述了应用现代科学方法和实验原型观测技术对新安江水电站进水口快速闸门进行安全检测鉴定, 并介绍了水电站快速闸门动水闭门试验程序, 对水电站快速闸门试验及相关鉴定有重要参考意义。