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Research on anti- erosion technology of hydraulic metal structures in Gezhouba project

Liu Chang - kuai, Liu Cheng and Zhang Zhuang- zhi   

  • Online:2007-04-28 Published:2007-04-28


刘畅快, 刘诚, 张壮志   

  1. 中国长江电力股份有限公司, 湖北宜昌 443002

Abstract: In order to ensure the dam safety, prolong the life of metal structures, the effective anti- erosion measures must be taken.The reason for the defect that the metal structure surface got rusted, suffered friction and cavitation, was that the metal structure of Gezhouba discharge gate lied under water and in a damp environment for a long time, especially that arc gate and side track stayed under water and open- shut frequently, suffered the effect of high velocity flowand the extrusion of gate side watertight seal. The research on the newtechnology, newmaterials and newway to deal with the erosion was carried out and achieved many useful result. This article was a summary of the application result of anti- erosion technology, to set a good example and help to similar projects.

摘要: 葛洲坝泄水闸金属结构部分长期处于水下及潮湿的环境中, 表面锈蚀严重, 尤其是弧形工作门及侧轨处于水下,启闭频繁, 受高速挟沙水流的冲磨、气蚀、摩擦作用, 以及工作门侧止水的挤压、出现局部厚度减薄、表面冲槽及蚀坑等缺陷, 为了确保枢纽工程的安全运行, 延长其金属结构的使用寿命, 须采取有效的防腐措施。葛洲坝泄水闸金属结构部分在解决防腐问题中不断进行新技术、新材料和新工艺的探索和研究, 取得了一定成效。本文就其防腐技术的研究成果加以概括总结, 希望能对同类工程提供有益的借鉴和帮助。