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Discussion on arrangement of monitoring instruments at concrete face rockfill dams

QIN Shu- fang and ZHOU Wenbin   

  • Online:2007-04-28 Published:2007-04-28


秦淑芳1; 周文斌1   

  1. 1.南京电力自动化设备总厂水电仪器公司, 江苏南京 210003; 2.浙江松阳谢村源水利水电开发有限责任公司, 浙江松阳 323406

Abstract: Based on a summary of arrangement and practical operation of monitoring instruments at concrete face rock- fill dams, some primary problems were presented. Necessity ofmonitoring the void on concrete face of high damwas verified. Selection and arrangement direction of strain- gauge arrays, which were used to measure the stress of concrete face, were analyzed. The necessity of water- stopping operation and hind- joint water penetration monitoring for slab vertical joint was pointed out. Some monitoring methods in common use were compared systematically. And some important issues, which more attention should be paid on during the course of instrument setting, construction and monitoring, were emphasized at the same time.

摘要: 在对国内混凝土面板堆石坝监测仪器的布置及运行情况进行总结分析的基础上, 探讨了有关面板坝监测仪器布置的几个基本问题, 对高坝面板脱空监测的必要性进行了论证, 对监测面板混凝土应力的应变计组的选用及布置方向进行了分析, 指出面板垂直缝止水防渗与缝后渗水监测的必要性, 还对监测项目中常用的监测方法进行了对比分析, 强调了仪器选型、施工及观测过程中应注意的主要问题。