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New application of liquid soft starter

HONG Chun- lian   

  • Online:2007-06-28 Published:2007-06-28



  1. 杭州市青山水库管理处, 浙江临安 311305

Abstract: This paper, by introduction and analysis of pool water resistances and cubicle water resistances, indicated the safety and reliability of the cubicle water resistance applied in the high voltage units over- speed protection. It also introduced howto make use of liquid soft starter to take place of a cubicle water resistance.

摘要: 通过对水池型水电阻及柜式水电阻的分析介绍, 指出柜式水电阻用于高压机组过速保护安全可靠等优点, 并介绍了用液态软起动装置略加改动替代柜式水电阻产品的方案。