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Principle and fault analysis of the duplex hydraulic hoist at Ertan hydropower plant

ZHANG Xu - yang   

  • Online:2007-06-28 Published:2007-06-28



  1. 二滩水力发电厂, 四川攀枝花 617000

Abstract: The surface outlets at Ertan hydropower plant are arc gates, and the hoisting devices are duplex hydraulic hoists.It was good since operation, and long- distance automatic control hoisting has taken the place of on- spot manual hoisting in flood period. In the rise- and- fall process, due to different operation situation, asynchrony would appear. As a result, rectification circuit was considered in the design. This paper introduced the principle and fault analysis of the duplex hydraulic hoist at surface outlets.

摘要: 二滩电厂表孔采用弧形门, 启闭形式为双缸液压启闭机。自投入运行以来, 运行状况良好。汛期启闭方式已由原来的现地手动操作过渡到远方控制自动启闭。在闸门起落的过程中, 由于工况的不同, 两缸会出现不同步现象, 因此设计中考虑了纠偏回路。本文简单介绍了二滩电厂表孔液压启闭机的原理和故障情况。