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Application of steel tube shear pile in right foreshore slope rehabilitation at Dongfeng dam

FAN Xiong- an   

  • Online:2007-04-28 Published:2007-04-28



  1. 贵州乌江水电开发有限责任公司东风发电厂, 贵州清镇 551400

Abstract: In Dongfeng hydropower station, the right bank foreshore slope is located at the right side bank between the water inlet and dam. The No. 2 sandwich soil layer lies under the dead storage level 936 m, as result of long- time soaking, the shear coefficient decreased, and the stability coefficient of the side slope rock couldn' t satisfy with the criterion. Then, application of the steel tube shear pile rehabilitation was carried out. This paper introduced the geological feature of side slope, the mechanical characteristics and function of the steel tube shear pile, as well as its application.

摘要: 东风水电站右岸坝前边坡位于进水口与大坝之间的右岸侧, 2 号夹泥层位于死水位936 m 以下, 常年浸泡于水中, 抗剪指标降低, 边坡岩体稳定系数不满足现行规范要求, 因此采取钢管抗剪桩进行加固。本文简述了边坡的地质特点, 介绍了钢管桩的力学特性及作用, 钢管桩在该边坡的应用情况。