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Seepage analysis and treatment measures to small embankment dams in Yunnan

ZHANGMao- tang   

  • Online:2007-12-28 Published:2007-12-28



  1. 云南省水利水电科学研究所, 云南昆明 650228

Abstract: There are 5 223 small- sized reservoirs in Yunnan province while 40% of them are diseased, and seepage exists widely. Thus, seepage control is a great part of dam rehabilitation and the anti- seepage treatment measures are of great importance. Cause reasons and types of seepage were analysed in this paper. What' s more, the optimized measures and issues need attention in construction were advanced, for reference to similar rehabilitation projects.

摘要: 云南省小型水库有5 223 座, 其中病险土石坝水库约占40%, 普遍存在大坝渗漏问题。目前大坝防渗处理技术措施较多, 如何因地制宜地选择防渗处理方案以满足除险加固工程的功能性、可实施性、经济性、环境和安全性的要求, 是建设各方必须重视的问题。本文分析了大坝渗漏的类型及成因, 并根据云南省小型水库的实际情况和各类防渗处理技术的特点, 提出了有针对性的优选方案和施工中应注意的问题, 为小型水库的防渗加固处理提供参考和借鉴。