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Estimation of loss of life due to dam breach for Hangzhou Qingshan reservoir

ZHOU Ke- fa, LI Lei and SUN Xiaoming   

  • Online:2008-02-28 Published:2008-02-28



  1. 1.南京水利科学研究院, 江苏南京 210029; 2.宝鸡市冯家山水库管理局, 陕西宝鸡 721405

Abstract: This paper simply analysed the inundated area due to Hangzhou Qingshan reservoir dam breach by BREACH and FLDWAV under two conditions that initial caculating water level were respectively 34.30 m and 37.20 m during 10 000- year flood, then defined main factors of loss of life and applied the method given by Grahamto estimate loss of life, finally assessed estimation results and put forward non- structural measures to reduce loss of life.

摘要: 应用BREACH 和FLDWAV 软件, 分析了青山水库10 000 年一遇洪水情况下, 正常溢洪道及泄洪洞闸门失控, 不能及时打开, 洪水无法及时下泄, 库水位达到设计洪水位34.30 m 或校核洪水位37.20 m, 发生漫坝时的洪水淹没范围。由此确定溃坝生命损失的各个主要参数, 应用Graham 法初步估算生命损失数量, 并对估算结果进行评价, 提出减少生命损失的非工程措施。