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Research on silt carrying capacity of turbulent flowand sand sluicing at bottom outlet

ZHANG Mao- tang, LUO Yingpei, ZHAO Jian- fang and et al.   

  • Online:2008-02-28 Published:2008-02-28



  1. 云南省水利水电科学研究所, 云南昆明 650228

Abstract: Sand sluicing at bottom outlet is a measure to guarantee the normal operation of power tunnel, so that the research on bed- load movement is of great meaning. By research on bed- load movement, the conclusion that turbulent flowwas of important function in sand sluicing was gotten.

摘要: 底孔冲沙是保障发电洞正常运行的必要措施, 研究底沙运动对正确调度底孔有指导意义。通过底沙运动研究, 观察湍流现象在泥沙冲刷中发挥的重要作用。