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Construction technology of dam concrete face slab at Siping hydropower dam

GUI Yun- feng   

  • Online:2008-04-28 Published:2008-04-28



  1. 葛洲坝集团清江施工局, 湖北宜昌 443300

Abstract: The height of face slab rock fill dam at Siping hydropower station is 90.5 m, which is the highest sandy gravel face slab rock fill damin construction in China. According to construction requirements, the two months and a half long construction stage was all in winter, when bad environment and great influence by weather. With support from Siping company and the effort by experts from all departments, the construction of face slab was finished smoothly. In construction, the application of trackless sliding fromwork was advanced and the experience was worthy reference.

摘要: 寺坪水电站面板堆石坝坝高90.5 m, 是目前国内在建的最高的砂砾石面板堆石坝。根据施工工期要求, 面板施工直线工期仅两个半月时间, 且全部在冬季施工, 自然环境较差, 受雨、雪天气影响较大。在业主单位寺坪公司的支持下, 经过清江施工局、中葛寺坪水电站监理部、长委寺坪水电站设代处等参建单位的精心研究和专家多次咨询的共同努力下, 顺利完成了面板施工。其中, 无轨滑模月均施工面积居于国内领先水平, 也为国内同类型高面板坝技术的成熟和发展提供了经验。