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Analysis on wetting deformation of upstream dam shell in 635 clay- core gravel sand dam

FANG Xu- shun   

  • Online:2008-04-28 Published:2008-04-28



  1. 南京水利科学研究院, 江苏南京 210024

Abstract: Analysis on wetting deformation of upstream dam shell in 635 clay- core gravel sand dam was performed, via the double yield surface model and the empirical formula through test result statistics. The deformation mainly concentrated upon upstream clay core because of wetting deformation of gravel sand, and the computed results was accordant with the test data. It was of great significance for construction materials choosing and damsafetymanagement.

摘要: 利用沈珠江院士提出的“南水”双屈服面弹塑性模型和笔者通过试验得出的浸水变形计算经验公式, 对“635”砂砾石料心墙坝蓄水初期上游坝壳料变形进行有限元计算, 并与大坝实测资料进行对比, 结果表明: 在计算蓄水初期坝体变形时, 考虑上游坝壳料砂砾石料浸水变形特性后, 其计算结果与坝体的实际变形相吻合; 在坝体设计过程中, 能准确预计坝体蓄水初期的变形对合理选择筑坝材料和保证水库蓄水期运行安全至关重要。