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Preliminary study on the influence of rock mass blasting to dam safety

JIN Zhi- yu   

  • Online:2008-04-28 Published:2008-04-28



  1. 浙江省水利水电勘测设计院, 浙江杭州 310002

Abstract: This paper studied the blasting response in the aspects such as dam stress, slope stability and et al. Combining with Shuangmiao reservoir project, blasting security control of particle velocity was reasonably determined to a certain extent after quantitative analysis and comparison was accomplished by the finite element model. Then, the requirements of blasting security control were specified. For dam safety and construction efficiency enhancement, shallowhole blasting and the largest amount of drugs permitted in different districts were adopted. Finally, the advice that blasting safety control standards and blasting process parameters should be adjusted in time according tomonitoring data was advanced.

摘要: 从坝体应力和坝坡稳定等几个方面进行研究, 结合双庙水库工程实例, 建立有限元模型进行定量分析比较, 确定爆破安全质点震动速度控制值合理范围。提出了具体爆破安全控制标准和路堑开挖具体安全控制措施—浅孔爆破、分区控制段最大装药量, 以满足大坝安全和提高施工工效的要求。同时也提出根据同步监测成果及时调整爆破安全控制标准和工艺参数的建议。