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Bank protection by dumped riprap above water in Zuojiang hydropower station

WEI Xi-liu   

  • Online:2008-08-28 Published:2008-08-28



  1. 广西左江美亚水电有限公司,广西崇左 532200

Abstract: Bank protection by dumped riprap under water is an easy and effective way to prevent bank collapse, but in China, bank protection above water by this method is rare and lack of experience. As an example, the design, construction and acceptance of bank protection by dumped riprap above water at Zuojiang hydropower station was introduced in this paper, and its experience was summarized for popularization of this method and reference.

摘要: 水下抛石护岸加固是治理江河崩岸的一种常用?易行且有效的防护措施,而将此技术应用于水面以上岸坡防护在国内却是鲜有报道,也无经验可循?本文以左江电站坝下岸坡水上抛石工程施工为例,就该工程的设计?施工及验收等方面进行经验总结,以期为今后的推广和应用提供参考?