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Application of distributed optical fiber senor in crack monitoring of core wall base at Yele dam

DAI Yun-shui and ZHENG Ning-si   

  • Online:2008-12-28 Published:2008-12-28


代运水, 郑宁斯   

  1. 国电四川南桠河流域水电开发有限公司电厂,四川石棉 625400

Abstract: Application of distributed optical fiber senor in crack monitoring of core wall base at Yele dam is creative. This paper introduced the distributed optical fiber sensing monitoring system in aspects such as fiber optic sensor network, construction technology and technical measures, the survival rate of fiber and the system application. Furthermore, experience and lessons were summarized here, for reference.

摘要: 国电四川南桠河流域水电开发有限公司电厂,四川石棉 625400