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Consideration on automatic dam safety monitoring and control system (ADSMCS) and its network scheme after Wenchuan earthquake

ZHAO Hua-cheng   

  • Online:2008-12-28 Published:2008-12-28



  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: With engineering practical experience, this paper advanced the idea that automatic dam safety monitoring and control system is a combination of automatic dam safety monitoring system, automatic measure-and-report system, automatic gate monitoring system and remote video monitoring system, which is based on remote information transmission. Further, the issues on system component, electricity supply and remote information transmission were discussed here.

摘要: 结合工程实践经验和教训,提出了大坝运行安全监控管理系统是基于信息远程传输的大坝安全监测自动化系统、水情自动测报系统、闸门自动监控系统、视频监视系统的综合信息管理系统,并对系统的组成、系统供电、信息远程传输等有关问题进行了探讨。