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Central dispatching of cascade hydropower stations to realize safe and economical operation of hydropower stations group

NIE Ming-hui and TIAN Mao   

  • Online:2009-02-28 Published:2009-02-28



  1. 贵州乌江水电开发有限责任公司,贵州贵阳 550002

Abstract: According to different conditions of hydropower stations on Wujiang river basin, central dispatching scheme was advanced. In the three-year practice, safe and economical operation of hydropower stations group was realized, economic and social profit was gotten.

摘要: 针对乌江流域梯级水库群中既有多年调节水库,又有年调节、季调节和日调节水库形成的混联水库群,由于上游龙头洪家渡多年调节水库的建设投运,原单一水库调度管理已不适应公司的发展要求,提出了要充分发挥流域联合调度优势,进行乌江流域梯级水库远程集中调度。经过3 年的水库远程集中调度管理,按照安全高效、科学合理、充分利用的原则精心调度水库,增强了上下游水库水能补偿作用,实现了流域梯级水电站群安全经济运行,提高了梯级水电站群的水能利用率和整体经济效益,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。