Dam & Safety ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 31-.

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Safety monitoring of concrete dams from the perspective of the whole life cycle

YANG Guang, ZHANG Shuai and ZHAO Zhiyong#br#   

  1. PowerChina International Group Limited
  • Received:2022-07-28 Revised:2022-10-24 Online:2022-12-08 Published:2023-01-16


杨  光1,张  帅2,赵志勇2   

  1. 1. 中国电建集团国际工程有限公司,北京,100036;2. 中国电建集团昆明勘测设计研究院有限公司,云南  昆明,650051
  • 作者简介:杨 光(1986— ),男,湖北武汉人,高级工程师,主要研究方向为大坝安全监测、检测、评估与管理。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: GB/T 51416—2020 Technical Standard for Concrete Dam Safety Monitoring specifically points out that concrete dam safety monitoring should run through the whole life cycle of concrete dam design, construction and operation. In each stage of the period, the objectives in stages should be accomplished, equal importance should be attached to the operation, maintenance and construction of the monitoring system, and equal attention should be paid to patrol inspection and instrument observation, data
analysis and acquisition as well as risk early warning and feedback analysis. To accurately understand this new concept, combined with the current status of concrete dam safety monitoring, the relevant contents are briefly introduced and explained, for reference.

Key words: concrete dam, dam safety monitoring, whole life cycle

摘要: GB/T 51416—2020《混凝土坝安全监测技术标准》特别指出,混凝土坝安全监测工作应贯穿混凝土坝设计、施工、运行全生命周期各个阶段,分阶段完成目标,坚持监测系统运行维护与建设并重,巡视检查与仪器观测并重,分析评价与获取成果并重,风险预警与分析反馈并重。为准确理解这一新理念,结合目前混凝土坝安全监测工作现状,对相关内容作简要介绍和必要的分析说明,供参考。

关键词: 混凝土坝, 安全监测, 全生命周期

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