Dam & Safety ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 9-.

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Optimal operation of Tankeng reservoir

ZHU Fuxing, WANG Jufen, LIU Yuancai, PAN Qi and CHEN Xingyu   

  1.  Zhejiang Zheneng Beihai Hydropower Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2020-06-03 Revised:2020-06-11 Online:2020-08-08 Published:2020-08-08


朱福星,王菊芬,刘远财,潘 奇,陈星宇   

  1. 浙江浙能北海水力发电有限公司
  • 作者简介:朱福星(1963— ),男,湖南双峰人,工程师 ,长期从事水电站工程建设及水电站运行管理工作。

Abstract: Based on the application of "multi time scale and multi mode coordinated optimal operation of Tankeng reservoir" and combined with the problems in actual operation, it is revealed that the core of improving power generation efficiency of a hydropower station is to increase the operating head and find the balance between high water level operation and water abandoning risk. Moreover, the curve of water consumption per kW·h is introduced. When making the operation plan, the long, medium and short term meteorological information should be considered comprehensively to reduce the water abandoning risk, increase the power generation efficiency, alleviate the contradiction between reservoir water storage and flood control, and prevent the water level from being too low in dry years, which would affect the function of peak load regulation and frequency modulation of a power station in the power grid.

Key words: Tankeng hydropower station, water energy utilization rate, flood control, optimal operation

摘要: 通过应用“滩坑水库多时间尺度多模式协同优化调度研究”,结合实际调度过程中产生的问题,揭示了提高水电站发电效益的核心是提高运行水头、寻找高水位运行与弃水风险之间的平衡点,引入单位千瓦时耗水量与水位关系曲线,在制定调度计划时,应综合考虑长、中、短期气象信息,以减小弃水风险,增加发电效益,缓解水库蓄水与防洪之间的矛盾,同时防止在枯水年份水位控制过低,影响电站在电网中的调峰、调频作用。

关键词: 滩坑水电站, 水能利用率, 防汛, 优化调度