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Application of lightning protection system for automatic monitoring station

LIU Yan-bin   

  • Online:2009-04-28 Published:2009-04-28



  1. 牡丹江水力发电总厂,黑龙江牡丹江 157000

Abstract: The paper introduced the application of controllable discharge lightning rod as the main equipment of lightning protection system. Lightning protection apparatus equipped at power supply may prevent the harm caused by inductive thunder, which ensure the safety of automatic monitoring station in thunderstorm season.

摘要: 着重介绍可控放电避雷针作为防直击雷主体设备在莲花电站的应用情况,在电源端安装防雷器可防止二次感应雷造成的危害,确保坝体自动监测站系统在雷雨季节安全可靠运行。