Dam & Safety ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 42-44.

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Design scheme of dam safety monitoring for Bayi reservoir

MAO Qian-yi and JIANG Chao   

  1. Liaoning Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2018-10-22 Online:2019-06-08 Published:2019-06-08


毛乾屹1,江 超2   

  1. 1. 辽宁水利土木工程咨询有限公司,辽宁 沈阳,110003;2. 南京水利科学研究院,江苏 南京,210029
  • 作者简介:毛乾屹(1990- ),男,助理工程师,硕士,主要从事水利工程监理、安全生产管理、招标代理工作。

Abstract: Bayi reservoir is a comprehensive medium-sized reservoir mainly for flood control and irrigation, with fish culture and urban water supply. The project has been in operation for many years and is gradually aging. Combining with the existing problems of Bayi reservoir dam, this paper puts forward the design scheme of safety monitoring based on four important contents, i. e. intelligent patrol inspection, deformation monitoring, seepage monitoring and environmental monitoring. This scheme is convenient, fast and not affected by weather. It can automatically monitor horizontal and vertical displacements simultaneously with high accuracy. Through on-line, timely and comprehensive way of data acquisition, compilation and analysis, combined with manual re-examination when necessary, problems and potential safety hazards can be found in time, so as to effectively monitor the working status of the dam, improve the management level and ensure the safe and reliable operation of the dam.

Key words: deformation monitoring, seepage monitoring, environmental monitoring, intelligent patrol inspection system

摘要: 八一水库是一座以防洪灌溉为主,兼有养鱼、城镇供水的综合性中型水库,工程运行多年,逐步老化。结合水库大坝存在的问题,对智能巡检、变形监测、渗流监测和环境量监测四项重要监测内容及测点布置,提出了设计方案。该方案方便、快捷,不受天气影响,能够同时对水平位移和垂直位移进行自动监测,精度较高。通过在线、及时、全面获取安全监测数据和资料整编分析,必要时结合人工复测方式,及时发现存在的问题和安全隐患,从而高效监控大坝工作状态,提升管理水平,有效保证大坝安全、可靠运行。

关键词: 变形监测, 渗流监测, 环境量监测, 智能巡检系统