Dam & Safety ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 45-.

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Analysis on stability against sliding for powerhouse section of Tingzikou RCC gravity dam

GUO Zhi-bin   

  1. Datang Sichuan Power Generation Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2018-09-30 Revised:2018-12-11 Online:2019-02-08 Published:2019-02-08



  1. 大唐四川发电有限公司,四川 成都,610031
  • 作者简介:郭志斌(1970- ),男,四川成都人,高级工程师,长期从事水电站安全生产管理工作。

Abstract: As the highest gravity dam built on foundation of red bed rock mass in China, the Tingzikou water conservancy project encountered the deep stability against sliding problem at dam foundation due to the existence of downward inclined weak interlayer in dam foundation. Based on the nonlinear finite element method, different design schemes and loading modes of the powerhouse section are analyzed in this paper. As a result, the scheme of slotting without combined work is selected.

Key words: gravity dam, stability against sliding, nonlinear finite element method, slotting without combined work

摘要: 亭子口水利枢纽工程碾压混凝土重力坝是我国在红层基础上建设的最高重力坝,其大坝基础内存在缓倾下游的软弱夹层,因此深层抗滑稳定问题突出。基于非线性有限元方法,进行了针对厂房坝段不同设计方案、受力模式的分析,进而确定选用厂坝设缝不联合受力的方案。

关键词: 重力坝, 抗滑稳定, 非线性有限元, 设缝不联合受力