Dam & Safety ›› 2018, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 64-.

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New Tyin power plant——world record with 1030 m water head on unlined headrace tunnel

Norwegian Tunnelling Society   

  • Received:2018-07-03 Online:2018-10-08 Published:2018-10-08

创世界纪录的新泰因电站——无衬砌引水隧洞上1 030 m 的高水头



In the upgrading of New Tyin power station in Norway, the water pressure on unlined tunnel is 1 030 m. This paper introduces the topography and geology of the project, its rock stress measurements results, grouting of steel lined section, the design principles of unlined high pressure head race tunnels and et al., for reference.

Key words: New Tyin hydropower station, tunnel, lining, design

摘要: 挪威新泰因水电站的升级改造工程中,其无衬砌引水隧洞上承受了1 030 m水头压力。介绍了新泰因水电站的地形地质条件、岩体应力测量结果、钢衬段灌浆及无衬砌高压引水隧洞的设计原则等,供参考。

关键词: 新泰因水电站, 引水隧洞, 衬砌, 设计