Dam & Safety ›› 2018, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 13-.

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Research and practice of safety culture implementation project for Xiaolangdi hydraulic project

DANG Yong-chao and LI Rui-rui   

  1. Management Center of Xiaolangdi Hydraulic Project, Ministry of Water Resources
  • Received:2018-04-19 Revised:2018-06-22 Online:2018-10-08 Published:2018-10-08



  1. 1. 水利部小浪底水利枢纽管理中心,河南 郑州,450000;2. 河南黄河河务局豫西黄河河务局,河南 洛阳,471000
  • 作者简介:党永超(1983- ),男,河南漯河市人,工程师,长期从事水电站安全生产监督及理论研究工作。

Abstract: This paper introduces the theoretical basis of safety culture, including the aspects such as the concept, connotation and its basic characteristics. Combined with the practice carried out in Xiaolangdi hydraulic project, the background, implementation plan and effect are studied.

Key words: safety culture, implementation, research

摘要: 从安全文化落地的概念、内涵、基本特征等方面详细介绍了安全文化落地理论基础,结合小浪底水利枢纽安全文化落地工程应用实践,从落地工程背景、实施方案、实施效果等方面对安全文化落地工程进行研究。

关键词: 安全文化, 落地, 研究