Dam & Safety ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 88-91.

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Planning and implementation of quarrying for Honggutian reservoir in Shidian County

WANG Biao   

  1. Management Bureau of Xiaozhongdian Reservoir of Diqing, Yunnan Province
  • Received:2016-04-05 Online:2017-12-08 Published:2017-12-08


王 彪   

  1. 云南省迪庆州小中甸水库管理局,云南 迪庆,674499
  • 作者简介:王 彪(1981- ),男,云南维西人,高级工程师,主要从事水电站施工建设与工程管理工作。

Abstract: In the implementation plan of quarrying for Honggutian reservoir, a reasonable scheme is put forward in combination with the actual topography and geological conditions. And the safety technical measures during quarrying are proposed, which are beneficial to the follow-up construction.

Key words: quarrying, bench blasting, mining scheme, technical measures

摘要: 红谷田水库石料场开采实施规划中,根据石料场分布高差大、边坡陡峭的特点,结合实际地形、地质条件,规划了合理的开采方案,并提出了开采过程中的安全技术措施,为顺利完成一期度汛坝体填筑及后续施工创造了有利条件。

关键词: 石料开采, 梯段爆破, 开采方案, 技术措施