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Research on prototype observation of the flow induced vibration of the radial gate of flood discharge and diversion tunnel in Fengman reconstruction project

QU Zhi and LIU Ya- lian   

  1. Reconstruction Bureau of Fengman Dam
  • Received:2017-06-29 Online:2017-10-08 Published:2017-10-08


曲 直,刘亚莲   

  1. 丰满大坝重建工程建设局,吉林 吉林,132108
  • 作者简介:曲 直(1989- ),男,黑龙江省哈尔滨市人,硕士,工程师,主要研究方向为水电建设施工管理。

Abstract: Redial gate is widely used in hydraulic structures. For many gates, owning the responsibility of water discharge control, strong vibration may occur in daily operation. More and more attention is paid on the flow-induced vibration, kinetic stability, the safety and reliability of the gate structure. In order to get the first-hand dynamic operation data, it is necessary to conduct systematic observation on flow induced vibration as well as the static and dynamic prototype observation of the radial gate of flood discharge and diversion tunnel in Fengman reconstruction project. By analysis and evaluation, reasonable operating rules for safe operation of the gate can be set, which would guide the future operation and management of the project and is of great engineering significance.

Key words: Fengman reconstruction project, radial gate, flowing water experiment, prototype observation

摘要: 弧形闸门是水工建筑物中运用最广的门型之一,但不少闸门运行中发生强烈振动。动水作用下闸门结构的流激振动、动力稳定性及安全可靠性等问题正受到越来越多的重视。对丰满重建工程泄洪兼导流洞弧门开展系统的闸门流激振动和静、动力原型观测,取得闸门运行的第一手实际动态资料。通过系统分析评价,为闸门的安全运行制定合理操作规程,并指导未来的工程运行管理,具有十分重要的工程指导意义和科学价值。

关键词: 丰满重建工程, 弧形闸门, 动水试验, 原型观测