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Treatment of the cracks on the left pier of dam section No. 49 of Yunfeng dam

YU Jian-jun, SHEN Guang-he and LI Feng-chun   

  • Online:2009-08-28 Published:2009-08-28

云峰大坝49 号坝段左闸墩裂缝处理


  1. 东北电网有限公司云峰发电厂,吉林集安 134200

Abstract: Since kinds of unfavorable factors in rehabilitation construction, the cracks on the left pier of dam section No. 49 developed into penetrating cracks, which would exert bad influence on the structural integrity and bearing capacity. This paper introduced the treatment of cracks, including crack investigation, cause and development analysis, chemical grouting and prestressed anchor. Further, reinforcement of the pier was carried out, for safe operation of the dam.

摘要: 云峰水电站49 号坝段左闸墩裂缝为陈旧裂缝,在大坝加固施工过程中,由于各种不利因素同时作用,导致裂缝进一步展开成为贯穿性裂缝,严重危及结构的整体性和承载能力。本文主要介绍云峰大坝49 号坝段左闸墩裂缝处理情况,包括闸墩裂缝调查、裂缝产生及发展原因分析,以及针对闸墩裂缝采取的化学灌浆和预应力锚索等处理措施,并采取综合方案对闸墩进行了加固,确保了大坝的安全稳定运行。