dam ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 1-.

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Seepage treatment design for concrete face rockfill dam of Baiyun hydropower station

TAN Jie-xiong, WANG Mi-xue and GAO Da-shui   

  1. National Dam Safety Research Center
  • Received:2015-12-17 Revised:2016-01-19 Online:2016-08-08 Published:2016-08-08



  1. 1.国家大坝安全工程技术研究中心,湖北 武汉,430010;
    2.长江勘测规划设计研究院,湖北 武汉,430010
  • 作者简介:谭界雄(1963- ),男,湖北松滋人,教授级高级工程师,主要从事大坝除险加固与大坝安全设计研究工作。

Abstract: Baiyun hydropower dam, a 120 m high concrete face rockfill dam, had been in normal operation since impounding in 1998. But since May 2008, seepage of the dam had increased rapidly and the maximum seepage flow rate reached 1 240 L/s, which had aroused great concern about dam safety. This paper discussed some new technologies applied in the detection and treatment of seepage of Baiyun dam, such as sonar detection technology for deep seepage in dam, underwater lifting of closure gate and underwater rock plug burst. Furthermore, this paper introduced the characteristics of large scale collapse in CFRD, repair of damaged area and crack treatment of concrete face, grouting treatment for disengaging, densest grouting for loose cushion material and waterstop repairment.

Key words: concrete face rockfill dam, seepage detection, rehabilitation design, Baiyun hydropower station

摘要: 白云水电站面板坝高度达120 m,于1998年蓄水运行,大坝运行状态总体正常,但自2008年5月开始,大坝渗漏量快速增大,最大达1 240 L/s,大坝安全受到国家有关部门的高度关注。文章论述了大坝深水渗漏声呐检测技术和打通原导流隧洞、水下封堵门启门、水下堵头岩塞爆破等老水库放空与导流新技术,论述了面板坝发生大范围塌陷破坏的特点,以及混凝土面板破损区修复、面板裂缝处理、面板脱空部位灌浆处理、疏松垫层料加密灌浆处理和止水修复等面板坝加固系统技术。

关键词: 面板堆石坝, 渗漏检测, 加固处理设计, 白云水电站