dam ›› 2015, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 53-.

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Strong motion monitoring for seismic safety of hydraulic structures

HU Xiao, ZHANG Yan-hong and SU Ke-zhong   

  1. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
  • Received:2014-07-14 Revised:2014-08-15 Online:2015-04-08 Published:2015-04-08
  • Supported by:

    胡晓(1962-  ),男,浙江永康人,教授级高级工程师,主要从事水工结构抗震研究。



  1. 中国水利水电科学研究院工程抗震研究中心,北京,100048
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Strong motion monitoring for hydraulic structures provides technical support for seismic design, earthquake disaster emergency and health diagnosis. The main purpose of strong motion monitoring is to record the whole process of ground motion and seismic response of hydraulic structures in earthquake. It could not only provide seismic intensity and quantitative data for the seismic design of structures, but also issue early warning through real time processing of strong motion records. And then effective emergency plans could be implemented to avoid secondary flood disaster. Specification of strong motion monitoring for hydraulic structures was implemented in December 1, 2009. There are more than 300 class 1 or 2 hydraulic structures in earthquake regions, and nearly 100 hydropower stations in the western basin are currently under development. All of them are required to set up monitoring stations. If these strong motion monitoring stations of hydraulic structures are set up, the earthquake safety requirements would be met.

Key words: hydraulic structure, strong motion monitoring, technical specification, monitoring station, damage classification

摘要: 水工建筑物强震动监测技术为水工建筑物抗震、健康诊断和地震灾害应急决策等提供支持。水工建筑物强震动安全监测的主要目的是利用强震加速度仪来监测强震时地面运动的全过程及在其作用下水工建筑物的地震反应。它不仅为确定地震烈度和抗震设计提供定量数据,而且能通过强震记录的实时处理发出预警,根据预警等级采取有效的应急预案,可防止水工震害的进一步扩展和次生水灾的发生。中华人民共和国电力行业标准DL/T 5416-2009《水工建筑物强震动安全监测技术规范》已于2009 年12 月1 日颁布实施。规范的适用范围为水电水利工程的1、2 级水工建筑物,我国约有300 余座。加上近期开发的西部流域梯级电站,总共接近400 个台站,如果按照该规范要求,全部完成强震监测台阵建设后,基本上可满足全国建成水工建筑物强震安全监测台网的要求。

关键词: 水工建筑物, 强震动监测, 技术规范, 监测台阵, 震害等级划分