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Calculation and analysis on temperature stress of Shankou roller compacted concrete gravity dam

ZHAO Hui-qin   

  1. Xinjiang Yili River Development and Construction Administration Bureau
  • Received:2014-03-03 Online:2014-08-08 Published:2014-08-08



  1. 新疆伊犁河流域开发建设管理局,新疆乌鲁木齐,830000
  • 作者简介:赵慧琴(1984-),女,工程师,从事水库大坝建设与运行管理工作。

Abstract: To understand the temperature change and the stress state of roller compacted concrete dam in cold area, based on the principle of heat conduction and simulation of actual boundary conditions and influence factors, 3D finite element method was used to analyze the temperature distribution in the dam concrete as well as the stress and strain. The resulting characteristics and change laws of the temperature and stress distribution was of great importance for design verification and analysis of the operation performance of the concrete dam.

Key words: concrete, temperature, stress and strain, calculation and analysis

摘要: 为了解寒冷地区碾压混凝土坝体的温度变化和应力状态,根据热传导原理,仿照实际边界条件和影响因素,采用三维有限元法对坝体混凝土的温度分布和应力应变进行了分析,掌握了坝体温度和应力的分布特点和变化规律,为验证设计和分析混凝土坝的实际运行状况提供了可靠的依据。

关键词: 混凝土, 温度, 应力应变, 计算分析