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Application of dynamic control on flood limited water level to a reservoir

XU Hong-chang and HE Xu-dong   

  • Online:2010-04-28 Published:2010-04-28



  1. 金华市沙畈水库管理处,浙江金华 321062

Abstract: For better use of water resource and more profit, the suggestion of application of dynamic control on flood limited water level to a reservoir was advanced. According to the safe discharge of reservoir as well as pre-storage and pre-discharge rule, control domain was gotten and some operation measures were drafted.The case study showed that the application of dynamic control on flood limited water level could solve the contradiction between flood and utilizable benefit, worthy reference.

摘要: 为充分利用水资源,发挥防洪兴利效益,提出了某水库实行汛限水位动态控制的建议。从水库防洪安全泄量出发, 基于预蓄预泄原理,推求汛限水位动态控制约束域,拟定符合实际情况的实施措施。实例计算和分析表明,水库实施汛限水位动态控制,可以解决兴利与防洪的矛盾,提高综合效益,为防汛调度决策者提供了参考依据。